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  • Book of the day: Justice Overruled

    Book of the day: Justice Overruled

    Book tittle: Justice Overruled

    Book Author: Judge Burton S. Katz

    It’s happening everyday in our country, highly corrupt politicians/ Govt. officials, in the streets, in our courtrooms, in our prisons. The guilty are being set free. The innocent are being hurt. Lawyers, cops, and even judges are playing a dangerous game of lies, deceit, and sometimes even pure wrongdoing. Our legal system is spinning out of control. JUSTICE OVERRULED talks about what goes on in our courts.

    • Criminal attorneys routinely violate the law and rules of professional ethics, including hiding evidence and falsifying documents.
    • Expert witness sells their testimony to the highest bidder in a system that lets them say anything for money.
    • Higher court rulings have made law enforcement and criminal prosecution so complex and difficult that few people understand it.
    • Honest cops lie in court because it is the only way for them to help convict guilty defendants-the practice is so commonplace there is a word for it: “testi-lying”.
    • This is just the tip of the iceberg…
    • The abuse of the judiciary must be stopped, if our system is ever to serve the people it is supposed to protect.
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